In Texas, it's possible for residents accused of certain theft crimes to face federal theft charges. But just what criminal acts fall under this umbrella? If you've been charged with federal theft, what does it mean for you?The Legal Information Institute provides a...
Theft Charges
Cyber crimes and changing texas laws
Cyber crimes pose more of a threat today than they ever have before; with advanced technology and widespread access to the Internet, millions are capable of a computer-related crime. Texas law handles these cases seriously, as they encompass identity theft, drug...
Bill in Senate to change bail system
Across the state of Texas, there are many families who have had to scrape together enough money to get a relative out on bail. This is often difficult, and some families are unable to afford the amount set by the court, leaving their family member to stay in jail...
Can you choose to keep something you find in the street?
You are likely familiar with the term “finders, keepers.” If you happen across a piece of personal property in Houston that appears to have been forgotten or abandoned, your first impulse may be to attempt to find the owner. Yet what if you cannot? Does...
Punishments for theft felonies and misdemeanors
If you are being charged with a crime of theft in Texas, you may be confused by the terms that law enforcement officers and court officials use. Many people are not aware that there can be both misdemeanors and felonies when it comes to theft. We at R. Todd Bennett...
What are the different types of identity theft?
As technology becomes more and more prevalent in people’s lives, crimes like identity theft have been on the rise in recent years. Identity theft is taken very seriously in Houston, and can sometimes lead to lengthy jail terms, exorbitant fines and other...
Theft charges in Texas
In the state of Texas, theft covers a broad spectrum of offenses. On a large scale, it includes the acquisition of another's property without that person's consent. However, the charge you may receive varies greatly depending on your specific offense. Here at...
What is identity theft?
As technology becomes more and more advanced, people in Texas and all over the United States face an increasing risk of identity theft. While the practice may be well-known, many people lack a solid understanding of what identity theft entails, as well as the possible...
What is considered a cybercrime?
Even if you would never knowingly commit a crime, that are several ways that you can accidentally violate online laws that can lead to serious consequences in Texas. Enigma Software details the various actions that can be deemed a crime, whether they were meant to be...
‘Tis the season of … stolen packages?
With the holidays soon approaching, many people are ordering or sending out packages. Given this, it may not be surprising that this season can see its share of package thefts.Reportedly, these types of thefts have been increasing in occurrence all over the country in...