Whenever someone is facing federal fraud charges, they are likely to face a difficult legal battle as federal officials aggressively prosecute the cases for which they are responsible. On Houston doctor is in the process of fighting federal charges for supposedly...
Month: May 2012
Johnny Jolly receives early probation for drug charges in Houston
Though living the life of a professional football player certainly carries perks, it also carries a lot of risk. In addition to facing the threat of injury on the field, some athletes deal with the realities of drug addiction off the field. Johnny Jolly, Houston...
Texas drunk driver forced to wear victim’s name as punishment
Fairness is the cornerstone of our justice system. Without the guarantee that everyone is treated fairly under the law or the ability to provide a defense against criminal charges, people would be without the legal protection they deserve. Recently, a Texas man has...
Incidents of domestic violence linked to struggling economy
It's no surprise that the economic recession has affected Texas families in many ways. As individuals lose their jobs, financial assets or their homes, it is not hard to believe they are under a tremendous amount of pressure as they try to help support their family. A...