Some shoppers might consider price tag switching a harmless way to save money in pursuit of a good deal. However, this practice often walks a fine line between clever bargain-hunting and criminal activity. When does price tag switching become a crime? In most states,...
Theft Charges
Understanding theft by check in Texas
A person who writes a bad check can face serious penalties in Texas. State law refers to this act as “theft by check.” The criminal charge requires the intent to defraud another person or entity, usually a business. Proving theft by check To find a person guilty of...
Petty theft, felony theft
After drug offenses, theft is Texas’ most common crime, with the cities with the largest populations being hardest hit, that is, Houston, San Antonio, Dallas, Austin and Fort Worth. In Texas, theft is defined as the unlawful appropriation of an individual’s property...
Former deputy in Houston faces bribery and theft charges
While all criminal acts are treated seriously in Texas, some crimes result in much harsher punishment. Many theft crimes result in misdemeanor charges. However, when the amount taken or value of the item stolen is significant, this could result in felony charges....
Potential defenses to a theft charge
Theft charges in Texas should be taken seriously. Even the most law abiding of citizens may do something that results in a theft charge. It may be tempting to take a plea deal to resolve the situation. This is not a good idea, as any type of criminal conviction on...
Auto dealer accused of identity theft
An automobile dealer in the Houston area has been charged with felony theft after he supposedly purchased an RV using one of his customer’s financial information. According to police, the man has been charged with a third degree felony since the value of the property...
What constitutes the crime of identity theft?
When a person in the Houston area thinks of a theft crime, they may initially think of the theft of physical property. However, certain theft crimes involve the use of another person’s personal or financial information for illicit financial gain. This is known as...
Can you accidentally steal something?
If you are charged with theft, it doesn't mean that you have done anything wrong. There are several strategies for disputing the charge, and it may be possible to have the case thrown out before it reaches a Texas jury. Let's take a closer look at the specific...
What is federal theft?
In Texas, it's possible for residents accused of certain theft crimes to face federal theft charges. But just what criminal acts fall under this umbrella? If you've been charged with federal theft, what does it mean for you?The Legal Information Institute provides a...
Cyber crimes and changing texas laws
Cyber crimes pose more of a threat today than they ever have before; with advanced technology and widespread access to the Internet, millions are capable of a computer-related crime. Texas law handles these cases seriously, as they encompass identity theft, drug...