With the holiday season approaching, it is important to be aware of the extra scrutiny on drivers as Houston police officers step up DWI enforcement efforts. More Houston residents are typically arrested for DWI between Thanksgiving and New Year’s. Police officers...
Drunk Driving
Four errors that could be costly to your DWI defense
Many people who are charged with a drunk driving offense feel like there’s no way for them to escape the crushing grip of the prosecution’s case. Yet, as we’ve discussed previously on the blog, even when the evidence seems insurmountable, there may be ways for you to...
Can you use these defense strategies in your DWI case?
If you’re not careful in defending yourself, then DWI charges and a subsequent conviction can wreak havoc on your life. Sure, your license can be suspended, making it challenging to carry out your daily responsibilities and visit family and friends, but it can also...
Understanding intoxication assault vs. intoxication manslaughter
Texas is serious about pursuing and prosecuting drivers who are accused of alcohol or drug-related violations behind the wheel. There is a planned enforcement blitz coinciding with the end of summer and Labor Day celebrations. Being charged with driving while...
Summer DWI enforcement in Houston began with Memorial Day blitz
Law enforcement agencies in Houston and across Texas are vigilant about drunk driving and the dangers associated with it. Given that the current societal challenges are beginning to recede and people are living their lives in a more normal way, holiday weekends and...
It’s beginning to look a lot like the holidays
When the holiday season begins, you can always count on noticing a few things: fake cotton snow on window sills, nativity scenes on street corners and, of course, a few more police cars on your commute. It's no secret that the holidays are a big time for police, with...
Examining common drunk driving defense strategies
Despite the many laws and punishments in place to curb drunk driving, this remains a major problem in the state of Texas (as well as the rest of the United States).If you find yourself in trouble with the law for any reason, it's imperative to learn more about your...
Police watching for intoxicated drivers as holidays near
With the rise of the annual office party and an increased number of people traveling to spend the upcoming holidays with family, it should come as little surprise that Texas law enforcement, specifically law enforcement agencies in North Texas, are looking to crack...
Supreme Court to hear breath test cases
The Texas implied consent law requires drivers to submit to a toxicology test to determine if they were operating a motor vehicle while impaired only after they have been charged with a crime. However, the laws in some other states give police officers the authority...
Police use social media app to conduct DUI traffic stop
Texas residents might have heard about a social media app called Periscope that allows people to live-stream video from their smartphones and broadcast the video all over the world. On Oct. 10, a woman in Florida was charged for DUI as a result of a live stream that...