If you recently received property crime charges, it is important to understand exactly which charges you face so that you can more effectively build a strong defense. While many of the terms for various property crimes are used interchangeably in conversation by the...
Month: December 2017
Field sobriety tests not always accurate
If you have been arrested and charged with a drunk driving offense in Texas, you may understandably be scared and upset and very worried about what might happen to you. The impact of a drunk driving conviction can be emotionally and financially tough on drivers....
Finding work after a domestic violence conviction
When Texas residents are convicted of domestic violence, they may not always consider how this conviction will affect their life. Getting a job can sometimes be more difficult when a person has a domestic violence conviction on their record and it is important for...
What is federal theft?
In Texas, it's possible for residents accused of certain theft crimes to face federal theft charges. But just what criminal acts fall under this umbrella? If you've been charged with federal theft, what does it mean for you?The Legal Information Institute provides a...
Drug paraphernalia as a gift: What you should know
Drug paraphernalia laws restrict people from possessing items used to take or administer illicit drugs. Many of these items are used for other purposes, but when used for illegal purposes are not legal to own.Take, for example, a small stirring spoon. These spoons...
Is it illegal to boat while drunk?
Hitting the water for a little leisurely relaxation time is a fun hobby for many Texans. When you're out boating with friends or family, it might be tempting to crack open a few cold ones and enjoy some drinks and company. Unfortunately, you could be breaking the law...
Prescription drugs: prevention and penalties
Adults are not the only ones who have succumbed to the nationwide prescription drug crisis; drug use among children and teenagers is also on the rise. Amidst today's tense atmosphere regarding the topic, Texas lawmakers and locals alike have considered a number...