Many individuals do not think about crime and the criminal justice system until they or someone they love is caught up in an investigation or arrest. Once an investigation has reached the point where law enforcement officers have justification to arrest a Houston resident based on an alleged crime, the affected individual may already be overwhelmed with the process. It is important that they seek the help of a knowledgeable criminal defense attorney early on in their indoctrination into the criminal justice system.
That is because mistakes, omissions, and other problems can impact the legality of a criminal case and may introduce opportunities for a criminal defendant to prepare a strong defense strategy against their charges. From the way that prosecutors and law enforcement officials investigate a crime, to the basis on which an arrest is made, to the methods that are used to collect evidence, errors can grievously impact the legality of a criminal process and violate the rights of the affected defendant.
For example, law enforcement officials must have probable cause to make an arrest that is not based on a warrant. Wrongful and illegal police practices can lead to wrongful arrests, and when arrests are based on faulty evidence or wrongful grounds, they may be dismissed. Similarly, violations of the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution may result in the removal of evidence from criminal trials that may leave prosecutors without means of proving their claims.
This post should not be read as legal advice and is only an informative introduction into the importance of understanding process and procedure when it comes to the criminal justice system. A committed criminal defense attorney is an asset to a Houston resident who is pulled into this overwhelming process and can help them find options for zealously confronting their charges.