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Understanding the types of drug charges you might face

On Behalf of | May 30, 2017 | Blog |

When some people hear about a person facing drug charges, they think of horrible things. The truth is that some drug charges are simply the result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Other charges are because a person has an addiction to the drugs.

The type of drug charge a person is facing determines what penalties are possible. There are several different types of drug charges, but these are three of the common ones.

Drug possession

Drug possession charges are most commonly associated with people who are addicted to the drug. In order to be charged with drug possession, the drug has to be in an area where you have access and control. If you are in a living room and the drugs are on a table near you and nobody else is around, you could be charged with possession. The drugs don’t have to be on your person for this charge to occur. In some cases, these charges can result in alternative sentences like drug court that enable the addict to get help for the addiction to try break the cycle that can continue if the addiction isn’t treated.

Drug trafficking or distribution

Distribution occurs with larger amounts of drugs. In order to be charged with distribution, you have to have more drugs than what a normal person would use. Having individually packaged drugs might also lead to a drug possession charge. Very large quantities of drugs are usually associated with drug trafficking. This is also possible if you are trying to transport drugs across state lines. Both of these charges are serious and a conviction can land you in prison. Working on your defense is one option that you have to try to minimize the penalties that you face.

Drug paraphernalia

Drug paraphernalia charges are another common charge for people who are addicted to drugs. The interesting thing about this charge is that there don’t have to be any drugs present in order for a person to face drug paraphernalia charges. Instead, this charge comes down to what items are present and in what circumstances. Common household items like steel wool pads and digital scales can be considered drug paraphernalia in some cases, but some individuals might have steel wool to clean the kitchen and a digital scale to follow a diet program. Certain items like syringes — unless you have a valid medical reason for having them — and bongs are almost always considered drug paraphernalia.


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