Texas is moving closer to setting another standard for personal freedom in the new year with legislation that will increase access to firearms for all people, not only those who pay to play. The Lone Star state’s commitment to the right to bear arms will be demonstrated once again, assuming the bill passes, by reducing the fee for a License to Carry to zero.
This is a significant move forward for advocates of individual freedom. It’s a signal from the highest stations in the state that Texas believes all people should have a reasonable right to defending themselves, even those without significant assets.
Defending yourself is an ongoing right
Texas has been a state of immense diversity ever since it was founded, and its laws are moving toward greater reflection of the rich heritage of diversity reflected in its population.
For Texans of all backgrounds and who are not wealthy, the removal of a fee to obtain the LTC is a step in the direction of equal justice.
If you are a resident in Texas, you are entitled to be defended. This extends beyond people’s right to defend themselves in the heat of tense moment. Such an instance is the right to be defended against charges that may stem from an act of violence that you believe was justified in the moment.
No matter who you are, what your background may be, or the language that you live and communicate through, your rights are as valuable and worth defending as anyone else’s.
Justified violence still can mean criminal charges
Regardless of the nature of your experience, when you stand your ground and defend yourself, there may still be charges brought against you. The nature of the United State’s judicial system is such that your freedoms and your rightful actions must still be defended against accusations of wrongdoing.
If you have exercised your right to self-defense, you will almost certainly need to exercise your right to an excellent criminal defense in short order, especially if a person has lost one’s life.
An excellent attorney is capable of evaluating the fine points of your experience and to help you mount the most comprehensive and effective defense against allegations of wrongful violence. With proper representation, you can rest assured that your case will be heard fairly and your rights will be respected and protected throughout the process.