A Crockett, Texas, man chose the wrong T-shirt to wear when deputies from the Houston County Sheriff’s Office came to arrest him on a family violence complaint. The mug shot taken at the suspect’s booking shows him wearing a shirt emblazoned with the words “This is what a great father looks like.”
The arrest warrant was issued following allegations by the man’s wife that he brandished a .22-caliber pistol during a domestic disturbance. There were no injuries reported. The suspect posted a $30,000 bond to obtain his release following the arrest.
The suspect’s choice of attire for his mug shot added a touch of irony to this story, but a domestic violence conviction can have serious consequences beyond the penalties imposed by a criminal court judge at sentencing. The sentencing options available to a judge include imprisonment, probation, fines, and mandatory counseling.
Allegations of family violence can leave the accused person with a criminal record and a damaged reputation that can make it difficult to obtain employment. The allegations may also have a negative effect on relationships with other members of the family. In addition, a judge may issue a temporary restraining order or a protective order against a suspect based on the allegations that led to the filing of domestic violence charges. This can prevent or restrict a suspect from returning to his home or seeing his children.
Criminal defense attorneys who handle family violence cases are aware that allegations alone form the basis for domestic violence charges. People who have been charged solely on the basis of allegations often seek the counsel of an experienced defense attorney.
Source: KLTV, “‘Great Father’ arrested for domestic violence in Houston County,” Jeff Awtrey, Aug. 15, 2012