Drunk driving charges carry very serious penalties if you’re convicted. No one knows this better than one woman arrested on three DWI-related charges in Houston. In addition to her drunk driving charge, she has been accused of child endangerment.
In the early hours of a recent evening, Houston police officers pulled over a motorist who was apparently weaving between the road’s shoulder and center lane. Upon suspecting intoxication, the cops pulled the woman over and had probable cause to administer a field sobriety test. The woman failed the test and was taken into custody. While she was driving, her grandson happened to be in the car with her, so she will face additional charges.
Police officers brought her to the county jail and she was cited for three offenses: DWI, failure to drive on the correct side of the road and second-degree child endangerment. All three charges could carry hefty legal repercussions if she is convicted.
Texas penalties for DWI offenses are tough and only getting tougher. Depending on the severity of the offense, a person convicted of drink driving could face jail time or lose your license. Being unable to drive, due to a suspended or revoked license, could mean that a person loses their job. During tough economic times, no one wants to lose their job.
The best thing to do if you are accused of drunk driving is contact an experienced criminal defense attorney. Because the penalties are so serious for DWU charges, you will want to ensure that your rights are protected should you face a criminal trial. A reputable legal advocate will make sure you’re treated fairly every step of the way, including sentencing.
Source: Houston Herald, “Houston police: Drunken grandma cited,” Feb. 21, 2012