Throughout the country there have been numerous accusations of inappropriate sexual activities between teachers and their students over the last several weeks. One Texas teacher is involved in the most recent string of allegations of sexual misconduct. The man is facing the possibility of a serious criminal case as the investigation proceeds.
Based on an anonymous tip, Texas law enforcement officials received word from the school district that their employee was engaged in inappropriate relationships with some of his students. Upon being questioned by school officials, the man resigned from his job. In addition to teaching, he also served as assistant coach for the girls’ basketball team.
Police have brought a set of criminal charges against the coach and educator. For the time being, the man is being held in a local jail. An ongoing investigation will determine the veracity of the anonymous tip.
The most important fact of this case is that the investigation is still open. School administration has indicated that they need to verify the serious charges leveled against their employee. Whenever an educator is accused of criminal sexual misconduct, it forever damages that person’s reputation, even if they are not found guilty, and breaches the trust between parents and schools. Because of the serious consequences this man could face, accusations of inappropriate behavior should never be taken lightly.
Though it is often easy to assume that claims of inappropriate sexual behavior are accurate, it is important to remember that anyone accused of a crime is innocent until proven otherwise. This is especially pertinent in high-profile cases with weighty accusations. Through the course of the investigation more details of the case will emerge, but no matter how strong the case against teacher might appear, he will still be able to receive a fair trial by a jury of his peers.
Source: KHOU, “Former Willis ISD teacher accused of sexual contact with students,” Feb. 23, 2012